SoftWorks Systems encourages all current OS X systems to utilize the native installer for ROES as opposed to using
Java directly from Oracle. The ROES Engine installs via a native launch.dmg file available from your lab's link to our site for
their specific branded ROES.
Install/Launch Failures
The ROES Client may fail to install/launch on occasion.
While rare in OS X, it can occur because of a bad connection to our distribution servers on the Internet or a permissions issue locally.
In case of an error dialog that lists an initialization error or a class not found, it is best to go clean out the attempted install
and start fresh.
To do this, open Finder and in the top menu click Go and select Go to folder from the list. A dialog window
will open with a field to type a path into. Please enter:
and click OK/Open. When the new
Finder window opens select the entire contents of the folder and send to Trash.
Open the launch.dmg again and re-execute the
lab specific .app file listed when the file unpacks. It should then install and start correctly. If there is still a failure,
copy the .app file into your Applications folder and try to execute it from there.
Order Completion Failures
Client may fail to complete your order for reasons usually involving the image files used. First, be sure that all images used
in the order have not been moved (such as removing a CD or USB drive) or renamed since being added to the order. Second,
beware of using any characters or punctuation in the file names you use. Parentheses, apostrophes, quotes, copyright signs and
other hotkey characters should be avoided at all times.